$497.00 USD



Terms and conditions



Thank you so much for deciding to join our coaching program, ‘The Rise Academy’ (“Program”). You are about to radically change your life and we commend you for taking this step! We are optimistic and enthusiastic about what we can accomplish together.


To bring our “best selves” to the coaching process, it is important that we all share the same understanding about how you and the Coach will work together.  Please read this information carefully.


The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the details about working together so that we all are clear as to what each of our respective roles are and how our communication will take place so that our time will be positive, productive, and comfortable.


By requesting that we provide the Coaching Services to you, you agree that the following terms and conditions (“Terms”) shall apply to the Coaching Services. Please read the points below and get in touch with any questions you have. Once we’re on the same page, please indicate you're happy with the Agreement by ticking the box underneath the agreement.


Description of our Coaching Services

Our Coaching Services will commence on the date that we confirm in writing that we are happy to start providing the Coaching Services to you and it will then continue unless and until the Services have been provided in full or are terminated as set out in these Terms. The start date of the Coaching Services will be agreed with you via email.


The details of the Program are below:



The 7-week Program includes:

  • Weekly coaching sessions led by Anum of 60 minutes on zoom or the app communicated by us
  • The course material will be taught live every week and you will receive login information for the course material via email



Please note that we reserve the right in our absolute discretion to change the Program at any time.


We will engage in direct and personal conversations with you. You can count on us to be honest and straightforward in asking questions and making requests. Our Coaching Services are provided as tele-coaching via the Zoom platform or such other platform as we choose. Coaching, which is not advice, therapy, or counselling, may address specific personal challenges, or general conditions in your life. Since professional coaching does not constitute medical consultation or treatment, health insurance does not apply.


It will be your responsibility to log onto each online activity at the times we communicate to you although we reserve the right to change the date, time and online platform for any reason including for circumstances that are outside of our control. We will, wherever practicable, provide you with at least 48 hours’ notice of any change to date, time, or online platform.


Our Fees for the Coaching Services

Our fees (“Fees”) for our Coaching Services are $497 for the entire Program as set out in “Description of our Coaching Services” above. Payments will be taken via an online payment.


We will not commence our Coaching Services until we have received payment from you in cleared funds. You can pay the fees in two instalments. You must ensure there are sufficient funds in your account to cover your remaining direct debit payments and if you change your bank account you must notify us and set up a new direct debit with the new bank. We will continue collecting the monthly Fees from you by direct debit until the total funds have been paid. You may cancel your direct debit at any time, however you will still owe us any unpaid Fees and, unless otherwise set out in these Terms, you will need to pay the balance of our Fees over the telephone and before our Coaching Services can continue. We reserve the right to charge a late payment fee in accordance with “Responsibilities & Expectations” below.



If you have chosen to delay the start date of the Program, you must commence the Program within 3 months of making your first payment unless with our prior written agreement to delay further.


You hereby agree that you are financially willing and able to pay our Fees and that by so doing you are not incurring any economic hardship in any way. You understand and agree that by entering into this Agreement with us that you are committing to pay our Fees.


Responsibilities & Expectations

Our coaching relationship is a partnership. The Coach’s sole focus is to empower you to attain the results you desire. In exchange, you agree to do your part by following through on the commitments you are making on your behalf.


You acknowledge and understand that you are responsible for making your own decisions and creating your own results. While the Coach may give specific tools and suggestions, you agree that it is ultimately in your own hands and is your sole responsibility to make decisions and determine the best course of action for your life, and you are fully responsible for the results.


Please can you make sure that you are aware of the following responsibilities:

  • Be on time for each coaching session.
  • Turn off all distractions during coaching sessions.
  • Give your best efforts and understand that there may be highs and lows or feelings of resistance and blocks that may arise during the Program.
  • Share any challenges and ask for guidance and support but without complaining, we have a “100% no complaining for the sake of it” policy that all participants must follow.
  • Follow up on agreed-upon action steps in-between coaching sessions.
  • Let the Coach know promptly if you have any questions or concerns and not air any concerns or grievances to anyone else within the Program or outside of the Program.
  • Ask any questions you may have as they arise.


  • If you have selected the direct debit payment option, you must have cleared funds in your account every month to fulfil your payment. You acknowledge and understand that missed payments will be subject to a £100 administration fee.
  • You will be given a username and a password to access the Program online. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this information and will not allow anyone other than yourself to access the Program online.
  • You will be given access to our Facebook group and you agree not to post anything that:
    • is illegal or unlawful or infringes any person’s legal rights;
    • is offensive, deceptive, harmful, fraudulent, threatening, intimidating, abusive, harassing, anti-social, menacing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, discriminatory or inflammatory;
    • depicts violence in an explicit, graphic, or gratuitous manner;
    • is libellous or maliciously false;
    • is obscene, indecent, pornographic, lewd, suggestive, or sexually explicit;
    • requests personal data from a minor;
    • constitute an incitement to commit a crime, instructions for the commission of a crime or the promotion of criminal activity;
    • is untrue, false, inaccurate, or misleading or amounts to impersonating another person or organisation;
    • consists of or contains any instructions, advice or other information which may be acted upon and could, if acted upon, cause illness, injury or death, or any other loss or damage;
    • constitutes spam, bulk messaging, auto-messaging, or any unsolicited advertising; or
    • in any way fails to comply with the content and community rules set out in Facebook’s terms of service and policies (as may be amended from time to time).

Please be aware of your Coach’s responsibilities:

  • Be on time for each coaching session.
  • Give your full attention and support during each coaching session.
  • Facilitate your actions steps to help you reach your goals
  • Provide you with quality information, strategies, training, and guidance to achieve the results you desire.
  • Answer any questions you may have as they arise that we could reasonably be expected to answer as part of our Coaching Services.



An important part of the coaching relationship is the Coach’s role in providing challenges and encouraging you to push yourself appropriate to your individual situation. However, this must always be done sensitively and if the Coach says or does something that upsets you or does not feel right, please let us know. We want to provide you with the service and support you need, and we believe that honesty and trust are critical for our relationship to grow. We want to provide an open and safe place where you will feel confident, and we ask that you let us know if there is ever anything that you are concerned about so that we can do what is necessary for you to be satisfied and happy with our Coaching Services and the Program.


Confidentiality in the Coaching Relationship

Confidentiality is very important to us. We recognise that during any of our coaching sessions, you may disclose to the Coach personal and/or confidential information (“Confidential Information”), and we agree that we will not at any time directly or indirectly, disclose any Confidential Information to any third party unless otherwise stated in this section.


We may disclose Confidential Information to our employees but only where necessary for us to provide the Coaching Services or the Program.


We may disclose Confidential Information with your prior written permission.


We must disclose Confidential Information when required by law and we reserve the right to disclose Confidential Information to the emergency services, social services or to the police and we will inform you before we much such disclosure wherever possible (which may not be possible in an emergency situation) but that will be a decision we will we make in our absolute discretion and without requiring your permission.



If the Program contains any group sessions, we will inform each group member that group counselling is confidential that what is said in the group must stay in the group. However, we cannot control the actions of any group participants outside of group sessions and we cannot therefore protect against the disclosure of any Confidential Information discussed in any group session by any group participant outside of the group setting and you hereby accept and acknowledge such risk of disclosure.


You are free to discuss our coaching relationship as you wish so long as such discussions are truthful rather than making untrue or unsubstantiated allegations against us or any Coach on social media or otherwise. Please refer to “Non Disparagement” below.


Finally, you understand that the use of technology is not always secure, and you accept the risks inherent in the use of email, text, phone, WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom and any other similar technologies.


Our Privacy Policy

In providing our Coaching Services we will follow all necessary data protection legislation which means the Data Protection Act 2018 and (for so long as and to the extent that the law of the European Union has legal effect in the UK) the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) and any other directly applicable European Union regulation (“Data Protection Laws”).


In providing our Coaching Services, we will protect all personal data, meaning any information that would enable a person to be directly or indirectly identified (“Personal Data”).


We will not under any circumstances process any so-called ‘special’ Personal Data such as information relating to race, ethnic background, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, genetics, biometrics (where used for identification), health, sex life or orientation.


You will be asked to opt-in for any marketing materials and you can opt out at any time.


You have the following rights under the Data Protection Laws:

  • to be informed about how Personal Data is being used
  • to access Personal Data
  • to have incorrect Personal Data updated
  • to have Personal Data erased
  • to stop or restrict the processing of Personal Data
  • Personal Data portability (allowing you to get and reuse Personal Data for different services)
  • to object to how Personal Data is processed in certain circumstances


Please contact us as set out in “Making Contact” below if you have any requests regarding Personal Data.


Making Contact

If you need to contact us, please do so by writing to us via email at [email protected] Please note that e-mails related to our Coaching Services are for quick questions and correspondence only and we will always do our best to get back to you within 24hrs Monday - Friday (travel or sickness permitting). However, if you wish to discuss something at length, we may request that it is discussed at the next one to one coaching session.


We will contact you by the e-mail address you provide to us at the time you enter into this Agreement or such other e-mail address as you later provide in writing to us.


Our Refund Policy

You can claim 100% refund of the program fees within 7 days of starting the program. After 7 days, you are liable to pay the full fees of this program even if you cancel your membership.


Intellectual Property Rights

You agree that we retain all ownership and intellectual property rights to any content and material we prepare and provide to you in offering the Coaching Services and the Program (“Material”) including all copyrights and any trademarks belonging to us. You are not authorised to, and must not, share, use, copy, sell, post, distribute, reproduce, duplicate, trade, resell, exploit, or otherwise disseminate any Material electronically or otherwise, for business or commercial use, or in any other way that earns you money, without our prior written permission.


Important Disclaimer; Personal Responsibility; Assumption of Risk; Release of Claims

It is important that you understand that we are offering only coaching services. However, our Coaches are NOT medical professionals or licensed psychologists, and the Coaching Services are NOT to be considered as any form or advice, therapy, counselling, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment, or anything similar. Therefore, you acknowledge and understand that if you use our Coaching Services, you do so on the understanding that our Coaching Services are not licensed in the United Kingdom, or in any other jurisdiction, and are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions. You also understand and acknowledge that Anum or any other Coach we provide is not acting as a mental health counsellor or a medical professional. You also understand and acknowledge that Materials are being provided for self-educational purposes only.


You accept full responsibility for your choices, actions and results before, during and after the Coaching Services, and you knowingly assume all of the risks of the Coaching Services relating to any use, misuse, or non-use of the Coaching Services, the Program or any Material. You acknowledge and understand that you are responsible for your results and actions and (b) that whilst we will always have your best interest at heart and will aim to help you in making your life better, this is on the assumption that you will make the effort with an open mind


However, there are no guarantees and your success is dependent on your efforts both inside and outside of the Coaching Services. You hereby understand and acknowledge that by offering the Coaching Services we are not promising or guaranteeing any specific outcome included, but not limited to, breaking any addictions, trauma recovery, increased personal happiness, career progression or any other similar outcome and any comments by us about any outcomes are expressions of opinions only and outcomes are based on subjective factors that cannot be controlled by us. Refunds will only be issued as set out in our “Our Refund Policy” above.


While we take care in creating the Coaching Services, the Program and the Materials, you agree that we will not be held responsible in any way for the information that you request or receive through our Coaching Services, the Program or any Material. You agree that you fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and release us from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that you ever had, now have or may have against us in the future that may arise from your participation in the Coaching Services and the Program, to the extent permitted by applicable law.



We have a right to terminate this Agreement at any time, we agree to notify the you at least 3 days’ written notice by e-mail.


We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement (a) if you break any of the conditions of this Agreement or (b) if after commencing our Coaching Services, we discover that you are living with a mental health condition that was undiagnosed, or was diagnosed but you neglected to tell us, or if in our professional opinion, you should no longer be provided with our Coaching Services or you are acting inappropriately, and if we terminate for any such reason, we will decide then in our absolute discretion and based on the circumstances whether we should refund to you a pro-rata portion of the Program Fee, but we make no assurances that we will make such a refund, and in any event no further Fees will be payable.


Unless as stated below, even if you terminate this Agreement after 7 days of enrolling into the program, you will still be required to pay the Full Fee of the program and this includes any situation where despite our best efforts you show that you are unwilling to engage with our Coaching Services (although if so we will first engage with you to try and resolve the situation amicably such that our Coaching Services can continue)



Even after termination of this Agreement by us, unless otherwise stated in these Terms, you will still be required to pay any outstanding Fees for any Coaching Services that we have provided until the termination and in any event the following sections of this Agreement will continue to apply to each of us even after this Agreement has been terminated: (a) Our Fees for the Coaching Services (b) Confidentiality in the Coaching Relationship; (c) Our Privacy Policy; (d) Our Refund Policy; (e) Intellectual Property Rights; (f) Important Disclaimer; Personal Responsibility; Assumption of Risk; Release of Claims; (g) Termination and (h) General.   




Entire Agreement: These terms contain the entire agreement between us. This Agreement may be modified or amended at any time if the amendment is in writing and signed by both of us.


Assignment: No party may assign their rights or obligations under these terms to anyone else.


Waiver: No failure or delay by either party in exercising any remedy, right, power or privilege under or in relation to this Agreement will operate as a waiver of that or any other right, power, remedy or privilege of such party, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right, power, remedy or privilege preclude any other or further exercise of that or any other right, power, remedy or privilege.


No partnership or agency: Nothing in this Agreement constitutes, or shall be deemed to constitute, a partnership between the parties nor make any party the agent of another party.


Severance: If any provision of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is or becomes illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement shall not be affected.


Governing law and dispute resolution: Should we ever have any differences, it is hoped that we could work them out amicably, however, if we are unable to find a resolution in 14 days, we agree that the only method of legal dispute resolution that will be used is binding arbitration before a single arbitrator, jointly selected by both of us in accordance with the laws of England & Wales, unless we both agree otherwise in writing. You acknowledge and agree that the only remedy that can be awarded to you through arbitration is the full refund of the Fees you paid us for our Coaching Services. No other actions or financial awards of consequential damages, or any other type of damages, may be granted to you, unless otherwise provided by law. We each hereby agree that the decision of the arbitrator is final and binding and may be entered as a judgment into any court having the appropriate jurisdiction. We also agree that should arbitration take place, it will be held in London, United Kingdom where our principal place of business is located, and the prevailing party shall be entitled to all reasonable attorneys’ fees and all costs necessary to enforce the decision of the arbitrator.


Non-Disparagement: You agree to not publicly make any negative or critical comments about any aspect of the Coaching Services or any Coach, or to communicate with any other individual, company or entity in a way that disparages us or any aspect of our Coaching Services, or harms our or any Coach’s reputation in any way, including on social media. In arbitration or when required by law, you and your child are not prohibited from sharing your and his/her thoughts and opinions about us or any aspect of our Coaching Services or any Coach.


By agreeing to the terms and conditions, we all acknowledge that we have read, understand, agree to, and accept all the terms of this Agreement.


By ticking the box below, you agree that you have had the opportunity to ask us any questions prior agreeing to this Agreement, and that you agree with all the terms of this Agreement.



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